Welcome to the Lehmann Group
We appreciate your interest in our company.
The Lehmann Group is an owner-managed, innovative and environmentally-oriented enterprise with Hanseatic roots. Our self-image in relation to reliability, quality, and environmental protection as well as social and corporate responsibility is firmly anchored in our corporate guidelines. As a quality-oriented enterprise, we have optimised our processes through a flat hierarchy and short decision-making channels, and are able to react flexibly and fast to market requirements at any time.
We define environmental protection as an integral part of our corporate philosophy, and we decide in favour of innovative methods when it concerns protecting the environment and sparing global resources. We bear a social and corporate responsibility which also creates an environment in which service is also fun for our employees. Highly motivated employees are the basis of our success.
Port Operation

With four own port facilities - quay length more than 2500 meters - Lehmann in Lübeck offers complete port services around RORO, LOLO, general cargo, bulk cargo, heavy lift, high value cargo like paper and cellulose as well as vehicles of all kinds.

Lehmann has been sailing since the 1950s. From the very beginning, the company has invested in the continuous expansion of its fleet: While the distinctive green ships were initially primarily at home in European coastal shipping,...

OnePlus Logistics is a young, dynamic and determined logistics company that provides its customers with a high level of experience, competence and attention at all times. OnePlus Logistics is part of the Lehmann Group.
Ready Mixed Concrete

Hanse Frischbeton GmbH & Co. KG is a medium-sized company with many years of experience in the production of ready-mix concrete and hydraulically bound base courses. Production is carried out according to the highest quality standards at 6 locations.

The Lehmann Group is an attractive employer based in the Port of Lübeck. In order to be able to offer our products and services with consistently high quality every day, we rely on motivated and well-trained ...

An unserem Schüttgutterminal dem Lehmannkai 3 schlagen wir verschiedenste Massengüter um. Diese erreichen den Lübecker Hafen meist auf dem Wasserweg (See- oder Binnenschiff) und werden dann von uns auf Lkw oder die Bahn verladen. Auch die Verladung Bord zu Bord (von einem Schiff ins andere) ist bei uns möglich.
#hanslehmannkg #lehmann #lehmaenner #lübeck #kücknitz #hafen #schifffahrt #shortsea #reederei #hafenbetrieb #shipping #portoperation #maritime #port #luebeckerhafen #binnenschifffahrt #elbeluebeckkanal #binnenschiff #takraf #unbezahltewerbung